13: Repercussions

Content warning: this chapter contains a depiction of suicide. Please read with care.

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From: EMS
Oh man, shit is getting reaaaallll! Jk, it's always been real when it comes to ROOK. Damn that Whitlock was a real creep. I hope the crew gets a break from all this sadness is all I'm saying! Keep up the good work and I have a request? Longer chapters, please?

I would love to drop longer chapters more often, EMS! But there's a couple challenges: I am damn slow when it comes to the art (I know, it shouldn't take me so long to make such mediocre visuals, but that's how it is...). And, ROOK is a side gig at the moment. Don't get me wrong, this is a passion project and I love telling this story, but I've got some other creative things in the works – hopefully some stuff I can announce next month!

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