19: That's What They Do

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From: J. Hernandez
I was so happy when I saw a new ROOK in my inbox! Can I ask what is your plans for this comic? Will there ever be a print edition?

I wish I had a better answer -- but right now I don't have much of a plan beyond finishing the story. ROOK is a labor of love, and a project I started just to see if I could do it. I had cut back on drawing to focus on writing for a long time, and at some point I challenged myself to see if I could write and illustrate a comic again. I'll always be happier with my writing than my art (and the art takes so much longer!) but working on ROOK has been really creatively rewarding. And hopefully it's been a good read as well. I expect the story to wrap up around chapter 30, and then I'll look into options for a print version. Stay tuned...

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