18: Graveyard Shift

It's been a loooooong minute, I know. Apologies for the silence, and thank you for your patience. Other projects were pushed front and center the last few months, but I've continued working on ROOK in my spare time and updates will be back on the twice-a-month schedule for now (if you need a reminder where the story is at, all the chapters are available here).  

Emails will return next update. Instead I decided to use this space for a quick roundup of what I've been up to:
* For about ten months I've been working as a staff writer on a limited series set to drop on Paramount+ next year. It was my first TV writing job on a series that pushed many of my creative buttons (a gritty western built on Black history) and was a wild, exciting ride.
* My play THE HOUSE OF THE NEGRO INSANE premiered this summer at the Contemporary American Theater Conference (July) and the National Black Theater Festival (August). The production has been in the works for years, and it was incredible to see it finally come to life in front of live audiences. Pics and more info about the play can be found on my site.

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